Mobile ramps
Surely they just all do the same job? Why do your ramps cost more?
This is a question we get asked all the time.....
The answer is.....Yes, they all do the same job. Yes, ours do cost more....and here is why
Our ramps are made in the UK, with quality steel and sourced from a manufacturer with over 40 years experience in making mobile yard ramps.
Just like W.Hall Limited (who have been trading for nearly 50 years) experience counts....The design of these ramps have been continually improved, revised and tweaked to make sure they are long lasting....there is where that extra cost comes in.....durability and longevity. There are Chase ramps from the 1980's still in active service all around the UK nd Ireland.
All Chase ramps are CE marked. While there isn’t a British Standard that covers mobile yard ramps specifically, Chase ramps are tested to the British standard for dock levelers (as dock levelers sees a very similar use to a ramp ). This is BS EN 1398 for load testing . The ramp capacity stated can be fully used. They are tested to both a dynamic load factor and a safety factor, this is over twice the rated load. This ensures great service from a Chase ramp for its lifetime.
Fold-down flaps at the bottom of the ramp – ever dropped one on your foot? Chase stopped using this sort of design years ago due to the risk of dropping a very heavy flap on your foot and the also the effort required to lift them up when the ramp is moved. Less moving parts, less issues and more durability.
Moving the ramp about . - A universal push/pull attachment makes the movement of ramp a simple one-person operation and eliminates manual handling. Chase ramps have a push pull attachment permanently fitted to the ramp.
Integrated sides – All Chase ramps have strong sides to the ramp ensure that your forklift stays on the ramp. These are not bolted on like imported ramps with a risk of the bolt-on side panels detatching if struck by a heavy forklift.
Level section at the top of the ramp – for 95% of customers a 1.8m level section works really well .You may need a longer level section if your loads are particularly long or close to the roof of the container/trailer. Making it longer without increasing the overall length of the ramp means that the initial ramp gradient will become steeper, which isn’t ideal . If a customer does need a longer level section, we always make the overall length of the ramp longer to accommodate this whilst keeping the gradient sensible.
Attachment chains . These are a fundamental part of the safe use of a ramp . The chain links should be substantial and the hooks likewise. Imported ramp chains tend to be very lightweight and break easily. (We've even seen impoted ramps which have no means of attachment to a is this safe? On Chase reamps the chain can be tensioned and hold that tension while the ramp is in use, this prevents the ramp separating from the trailer.
Ramp width – Chase ramps all have a useable width over 2.2m to ensure the back row of the container can be easily and safely loaded/unloaded without difficulty. Many cheaper ramps are narrower so the back row of a container is difficult to unload. This means that either your produce or forklift or ramp can be damaged.
After Sales Support – it is important that any ramp purchase is backed up by a supplier who can keep your ramp in good shape. Issues will happen, either through abuse, accidents or warranty, and you’ll want your ramp up and running as soon as possible. W.Hall Limited keep spare parts for Chase container ramps off the shelf in Belfast. We can also carry out repairs, PUWER testing, and refurbishment of existing ramps either on site or in our extensive workshops in Newtownabbey and Leighton Buzzard.
Operator training – like any heavy piece of equipment , safe usage is paramount . Each Chase ramp comes with comprehensive operation and maintenance. W.Hall Limited can also train your operators on the save and effective use of the ramp.
Accessories - W.Hall Limited carry a full line of accessories for use with a Chase ramp Including wheel chocks and trailer support jacks.
So if you are considering a new container ramp....remember the long term benefits of a Chase ramp supplied by W.Hall Limited. Check out the full range here